Start Here Where to start? Well I will need a computer in the cloud for sure. Probably hosted on AWS, secure and data mounted and available to just get working straight away. A girl can dream right?:)
Go Star City! GoStarCIT! - Packer files 4 AWS On-Demand OpenMP/GPU CentOS- CUDA cluster w/ git-FS-FSL-GPU builds pre-installed. Needs link to Rodney's github project.
Journal article post Here's a direct link the publisher's website. Versus arxiv, pubmed, zotero?
MuJoCo OpenAI plug This is interesting and maybe we can do better without straying from our focus.
VisPy is for visualizations This comes with all the GPU baggage that we have to have for fijee anyway.
WeFunk link I don't know why its so hard to add links outside of posting. Maybe the wrong theme?
A model biocybernetics laboratory For now this will do in terms of describing systems modeling with the rigor that we are hoping to match as well as the mathematics that we are building on too.
PyMol is the new blender - it needs a title This package has been around forever but I just haven't needed to use it since maybe Reed College where Arthur Glasfeld had come from the Computational Chemnistry group at UCSF. Has it been that long? Memories are all mine and could be wrong:) Python toolkit for visualization and
Tellurium for systems biological mathematical modeling Python modeling environment with Spyder2 integration and fenics project like backend solvers